01 August, 2008

A Time For Change

I've been blowing off steam for awhile now and it's time for a change. I've resolved my major life problem of dissociation recently and feel a new freedom in my heart and mind.

My first realization that I was one with myself was when I was remembering an event from earlier in the day and I was seeing from my own eyes and not as a third person. This was a unique experience that has persisted for over three weeks. I've been more at peace with myself, I feel as though I am growing and accepting myself completely.

One of the best experiences I've had concerned a man who is suppose to be morally strong but I found out he is lacking in integrity. Instead of feeling betrayed I felt relief.
I was told the truth about this man and it allowed me to know that my impressions were correct. I could trust myself and my instincts. Having been lied to all of my life it was a real blessing.

I don't need anyone to validate me anymore. I feel like I'm an equal to all people. It's time to live for awhile.


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