28 November, 2007


God the Father has a body of flesh and bone, immortal and incorruptible. Jesus Christ is the literal son of God the Father and Mary whom we are told is a descendant of David and Bathsheba. Interesting that he would choose that linage to come from; maybe he is teaching us about repentance by his choices. David was a Prophet and he was responsible for the death of Bathsheba's husband. He made a huge mistake and paid for it the rest of his life. I don't project into the next life. Jesus Christ is the judge.

I was talking to a friend of mine at church and he is the smartest spiritual man I know. He ask why do we accept the Hollywood version of Bathsheba and David. If Bathsheba was bathing on the roof of her home it would have been with a washing cloth and a basin of water. You know washing her arms, feet and legs. Maybe her personals but she would not have been naked. David, being a Prophet and having many wives was not your hot to trot teenager. He was a King and had all the women he could handle. He had no need to look for something new.

Could God have revealed to David that this woman was to be his wife and that from her line the Messiah would come? Did David decide that God needed help getting the job done and jump the gun instead of letting God handle the when and where?

The children of Israel are a matriarchal society. With all the raping going on and conquering the only way to know the line was through the mother. The father could have been of unknown linage. In this case we have David confessing to his sin so we know the linage.

He spent the rest of his life begging forgiveness of God which shows he was a man who wanted to do what was right. Like most of us he made some serious mistakes. The reason I think we should all stop judging. We don't have enough information to judge anything. That must be why we are told to forgive one another.

Only Christ knows and he had to suffer for the information so he could be a righteous judge. Do you see what I mean by the greatest of us all? Can you imagine loving your brothers and sisters so much you would died and suffer for them? The Atonement is something that we do not understand completely. We never will in this life. It is bigger than anything that has ever happened. A war of idea's was waged in Heaven that determined the plan of Salvation.

The son of the morning, Satan, put forth a plan where he would come down and save all of us and assure our return to our Father by forcing us to be good. He would received the power and the glory for forcing his will on all of us. What would have been the outcome? We would have all remained dumb as stumps and not have learned a thing during our life, except how to be dominated by force. Not really a good model for the Children of a God. Would God want that for his children? Would he want them to learn how to be free and experience the joy of overcoming weakness, loving and living and learning how to be their best by exercising their free will and learning how to control their desires. That is why we needed a body. The vessel that allows us to be tempted and experience bliss and pain.

That is what got Satan all angry and he convinced a third of God's children to follow him. They were the children who didn't believe they could pass the test. They wanted to remain as they are, spirit children forever. They got what they wanted.

God does not force his will on anyone. He is the champion of free will. That is why we need a Savior. It isn't as much about original sin as it is repentance and forgiveness for our poor choices. We do hurt people during our life, we do lots of stupid stuff and if we are smart we repent and improve until we learn our lesson and move on to the next one.

Jesus offered us the plan of salvation. We come to earth, get a body, go through trials, not to see if we are worthy of God's love, to learn who we are through free will. To love and be loved and overcome our own weaknesses. God is our Father and he loves us. We don't have to prove anything to him we have to find out who we are for ourselves.

In case your wondering we also believe in a Heavenly Mother but we don't know enough about her except she is as wonderful and loving as Heavenly Father. As a mother I often wonder if she feels like we do as mothers, knowing our children are struggling but for our own good she has to let us grow up and stay out of it.

Jesus Christ as the Savior of this World. He is also the God of this world. (I'll get into that later I don't have time right now.) God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are three separate beings who are one in purpose. Does that fit better with scripture and the concepts the Bible teaches and why we are here?

Jesus comes out of the water and a voice from Heaven says: This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased as the Holy Spirit descends on him like a dove. The Holy Spirit will receive a body during the 1000 years Christ will rule on the earth before Satan is loosed for a season.

I believe Christ does talk to Prophets today and he answers prayers. James 1:5
I also believe we all have the right to choose what we want to believe. I grew up without a mother, I went to church with my Aunt but wasn't accepted by Sunday school teachers because I had read parts of the Bible and they didn't like me asking questions.

The LDS missionaries answered my questions so I felt I had found home. Everyone has to look and search for what rings true to them. I have my own personal revelations that sustain me, I read scripture and study so I will be strong. I'm not good at telling everyone else how to live. I have made too many mistakes in life to tell anyone anything. I only pray for forgiveness and direction. I can tear things apart but I can also pray to know the truth and ask for spiritual conformations. It works. We just have to remember we don't base our faith on what others believe we base it on truth and what the spirit reveals to us.

My son tells me we don't have the same belief system. I tell him I know he is a good person and lives a good life and he will find the truth. I believe that is what my Father in Heaven told me before I came here and that he loves me and wants what is best for me and my son. I do pray my son will find his way but all I can do is be a good example. No power or control just live what we believe.

Remember the Bible is a group of Books written about the History of a People. It contains information on a man who did nothing wrong and harmed no one but was killed for teaching truth in a time when men were more interested in money and power.

Isn't that the way it is today? Those same type of religious people are in control today. Christ would probably be killed today by the same type of people. He promises that is when he will return. When? I don 't know but I do see the signs of the times and I don't see Hollywood as the ones that would kill him. It would be the religious leaders of the world.

So believe what you want for yourself and those you love. The biggest draw for me is the idea that when we leave this life we will still be a family and I will know my children and all the people I love in this life and those I knew before because we are all brothers and sisters. Even the ones that get on our last nerve. LOL

Your the Greatest and so is your wonderful wife,
Kiss the kids and think about eternal life as a journey of learning and loving that never ends and you don't have to give up everything you love when you move on. If we don't meet in this life we will on the other side.

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