16 December, 2007

Open Letter to Congress and the Attorney General Mukasey

Attorney General Mukasey, Honorable Women and Men of Congress,

It is a burden to this Nation when those who have been elected and assigned the honor to uphold the standards of this Nation take that opportunity and use it for personal gain or individual objectives that may be counter to the best interest of the Country.

I ask you to consider what you stand for. Do you stand for Freedom, Honor, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
Do you sit in this great body as Representatives of your individual party affiliation. Does special interest, big business and money own this Nation or do we the humble people you have been ask to serve? Furthermore, do you represent the people of your State or your own political ambition? These are serious questions and you will be remembered for your actions.

1. Are you willing to honor your Oath of Office as Representatives of these United States?

2. Will you investigate and prosecute all individuals responsible for crimes against humanity and the honesty and integrity of these United States? Even if the evidence proves corruption in the highest office in the land?

3. Will you Impeach this President if he pardons the men responsible for these crimes?

You owe the people of this great Nation, those who have served their country with honor, living and dead, your personal honesty and integrity.

As a citizen of this nation I believe this President and Vice President are criminals with no regard for the law. To allow the highest office in the land to be corrupted out of loyalty to one party or the other is treason and you stand for nothing. Honor is more valuable than fleeting power or position.

As a descendant of men and women who founded this nation and settled on her shores over 300 years ago, and a multitude of family that fought and died in the struggle for Independence, I ask you to honor their sacrifices.

As the mother of men who have served this nation in peace and are serving in the Army National Guard right now; I ask you to honor them and their service. They serve with integrity because they were taught correct principles by their parents. All people who serve this nation with honor need to know if you will do the same?

I ask you to honor those that served in the wars fought to establish a free nation and those that were ask to put an end to terrorist throughout the world. I ask that you put and end to War for financial gain, businesses that poison children and corrupt our nations ability to produce quality craftsmen and pride in industry.
End the outrageous greed of this Nation and bring America and her people to a future of prosperity and reason. Do you serve your country or the people building empires on the products that are poisoning us?
We need leaders strong enough to stop this insanity. Our Government is failing us, you have the power to change direction and return us to our former Greatness.

Pass laws that provide radio and television air time to candidates so they can represent their ideas and plans for this nation instead of serving corruption, greed, and party politics. Limit the amount that can be spent and use only funds from taxpayer deductions to finance campaigns. We have the ability to offer free air time through cable stations and public access air time. Are you doing your job when most of your time is spent raising money for your next campaign?

If you fear losing your seat in Congress or your job as Attorney General take into account Americans are loyal to those that serve the best interest of the Nation. The majority of Americans know what is best and all they need is leaders that know how to lead with honor. Have the Courage to be Honest, the Integrity to do what is in the best interest of all the people. Make it possible for all Americans to be Free. If we do not change course and honor The Constitution and the Bill of Rights we will fail as a Nation.
The signs are already obvious, our new Technologies, Standards of Excellence and Social Responsibility is now the forte of the European Union not the United States.
Stand up for Justice or Stand Aside and let better men and women serve.

Respectfully Your Servant,
S. Taylor Uteg, Citizen of The United States of America

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