While reading Sen. Obama's Book “ The Audacity of Hope” I found I was in agreement with his belief that all of us are accountable for thinking of solutions to our many social and economic challenges.
These are some of my thoughts on the problems I find most debilitating for our nation as a whole. We need to invigorate our economy through employment opportunities for individuals that enjoy working in manufacturing and are not suited to business or self employment. Those corporations that removed complete manufacturing facilities from our country and started manufacturing in 3rd world nations need to compensate our nation for all the tax breaks we gave them. What needs to be done is an investment in America's future. Our quality products that upheld the best of health and construction standards have been compromised by substandard cheap often hazardous products made in nations that have no quality control. They can sell their products to their citizens and other nations that don't care if their children have brain damage from lead poisoning.
Building new manufacturing facilities in America using updated energy efficient technologies would put America back to work. We would have an opportunity to rebuild our nations manufacturing capabilities with eco friendly technologies, self sustained wind powered companies that would produce power in the day time and create power for the grid at night.
We need the stock market to invest in America's future. We don't need a wealthy class and a slave labor class because it is morally corrupt and unproductive.
We need a country determined to rebuild the infrastructure with mass transit. Our local government is not looking to the future. We are still widening roads for more cars. Maybe we need to put people in office that live on a working wage. Then our focus could be on a rapid transit energy efficient transport system using the rails we already have in place. These rails could also be used by business to transport products as well as people.
The most obvious waste in our state is the building of coal burning energy production. Why don't we use the new technologies from Sweden and other nations that create energy from natural sources wind, sun, etc. and let the coal stay in the ground. Train the miners in these new energy producing constructions.
Bio Fuels are not the answer. We are not the bread basket of the world we are the stupid people of the world that starve people so we can drive. Wasting land on fuel production is a crime against humanity.
America is in need of a wake up call before we lose everything our fathers built before us. Letting bridges fail and roads degrade, always looking for the cheap way to do something and getting the worst possible results.
If we take the money we give to the leaders of foreign governments and instead invest that money in providing training and assistance with building infrastructure in their countries we would be providing skills and training to change their economy. Using the peace corps and other organizations including our troops to teach basic solar, wind and farming skills, how to drill water wells, building homes for the populations of other poor nations we create new markets and better lives for everyone. Giving money to leaders of these nations only makes the leaders rich and powerful. Time for us to stop controlling government and help people live better lives.
Does anyone else have an idea to share?
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