Ms. Waugh,
November 1st was my flight to freedom from Utah County. Three years ago I uncovered fraud in the H.E.A.T Program at Community Action in Provo. The refusal to give clients a copy of there application for heat assistance, funneling money into Provo City Power even if the client wanted the cash sent to them so they could use the money to pay their own bills, which is an option according the government guide lines. The money is suppose to go to the Client unless they owe a utility company.
This had been going on for years and continues even now. I contacted my City and my State representatives and confronted the program manager. She had to give me my client copy, of the paper work, because my State Representative ask her too. What I found was miss configured information. Changing figures in documents after being signed by the client and because they don't give the client a copy it just looks like a mistake by the worker. My documentation was changed once after I did the paperwork then changed again after they were forced to give me my copy of the paperwork. I went in and saw how the papers had been changed with my City Representative I was told by Lois the woman that runs the program in Provo, that those people wouldn't pay their bills and that was what the money was for. That is the problem in Utah County, people who think they are right and have to tell everyone else what to do and how to do it.
Last year after the worker filled out my paper work and refused to give me the client copy I explained that Bob knew me and I was suppose to get my copy. After asking him she came back and gave it to me but said the amount might be wrong. I got more money back when the check came in the mail. How much money has Prove taken from the poor and put into the bank account of Provo City over the past years of Republican domination. We will never know unless we stand up for what is right and stop letting people get away with corruption.
My City Representative said she would get on the Board of Directors and make sure things changed at Community Action. Nothing changed and I had no one to tell because I felt corruption within the State of Utah is so rampant I would only hurt the people in need rather than end the corruption.
Nothing has changed over the past three years. They still take money from the program and use it to cover up the waste and mismanagement in Provo City Government.
Do you know who to contact about this? I have been afraid to say anything while living in Utah County but now that I'm in Salt Lake and all my children are grown, I'm hopeful that I can find out who to contact and how to end the gross mistreatment of the poor and elderly.
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